Thursday, 18 October 2012

The Closest Hand That Can Reach Out To You

A family usually consist of a mother, a father and their child or children. But before the child or children was born, there was only a couple living together, happily married to each other. And then years later, the couple decided to have an additional member so that they can form a family. And thus a baby was born and the family is now complete. Now that the family is complete but what really makes a family, what is the one common thing that all families have and also does a family means people staying together under one roof.

Well one thing for sure is that a family makes out of a mother, father and their child or children. But is that really what makes a family. A family can consist of anybody even if they are not blood related to each other. To give an example is a soccer team. The players and the coaching team are not blood related to each other but still they would consider as a family. The players would meet each other during and off practice days so that they can gel as a team. The coaching team would discuss with each other what is good and bad for the players. From this perspective we can see that the coaching team would act as the parents and the players are their children. In that sense, a family does not need to have a father, mother and the kids, what really makes a family is the act of togetherness. The thought of what is good and bad for the family.

The next thing is, what is the most common thing that all families share. This is the most important part in order for a family to be happy at all times. Caring for each other is one the common things that all families have. Having the sense of taking care of each other be it when at health or when not feeling well. But the most important is to know each and everyone in the family their weaknesses and strengths. By knowing the weaknesses and strengths, one member can always support the other member in something that they are not good at. Again an example with a soccer team. Each player are bound to have their own weaknesses and strengths and that is why each player is given a role to cover their weaknesses and help the team to victory with their strengths. So with the knowledge of their own weaknesses and strengths is the most common thing that all families share.

And lastly does a family means people staying under one roof. To my opinion not necessarily have to be under one roof. It can be at an open place such as the beach, the field or a farm. As I said, a family can make up of strangers. What matters most is the things that they do together. For example, the beach is the most common place that families spend their time together. Not only a place for relaxation but also to further the family bond. A family is not the matter of staying under one roof but instead it is what they all do together as a family.

In conclusion, a family does not only consist of a mother, father and the kids. There is something much more to a family than just these three roles. To those families out there, do take care of each other well and spend more time with each other. Here is one way to your time with your loved ones, "Fast Scrapbooking Pages, Ideas, And Layouts". Just click here and you will be one step closer in strengthening your family bond. Remember the closest hand that can reach out to you is your family.

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